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Mrs Wilson - (2018) - Netflix

TV Shows

In 1960s London, a woman loses her husband, a former spy, and uncovers the complex web of lies he spun when he was alive. Based on a true story.

Diretor: Richard Laxton
Elenco: Ruth Wilson, Iain Glen, Anupam Kher, Patrick Kennedy, Ian McElhinney, Fiona Shaw, Otto Farrant, Calam Lynch, Keeley Hawes
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: Uk

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Disponível desde: 2021-09-01
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis The drama follows Alison Wilson who thinks she is a normal happily married woman. But when her husband Alec suddenly dies a woman turns up on her doorstep claiming that she is the real Mrs. Wilson. Alison is determined to prove the validity of her own marriage - and Alec's love for her - but is instead led into a world of dark and troubling secrets. Alec was a British spy and a best-selling novelist and Alison is pushed to the very brink to find out the truth.

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