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Yolngu Boy - (2001) - Netflix

1h24m - Dramas

Two Aboriginal teenagers risk their own future to save their troubled childhood friend by joining him on a 300-mile journey through Australia.

Diretor: Stephen Maxwell Johnson
Elenco: John Sebastian Pilakui, Sean Mununggurr, Nathan Daniels, Lirrina Mununggur, Makuma Yunupingu, Nungki Yunupingu
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: 78/100
Países disponíveis em: Au

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Disponível desde: 2021-07-01
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis Lorrpu Botj and Milika are three Yolngu (Aboriginal) teenagers who once shared a childhood dream of becoming great hunters together. But as teenagers they changed: Botj did bad things which landed him in jail one time and Milika is more interested in being a good football player and in chicks! Only Lorrpu is still closer to Aboriginal traditions and to their common dream. One night Botj goes too far and he's about to return to jail. Lorrpu must weigh up his own future against saving the future of his friend. Therefore the three boys start to trek to Darwin to argue Botj's case with tribal leader Dawu. To survive during their hard journey in the bush and the forest they must use the ancient Aboriginal knowledge Botj's street instinct and the bonds of their friendship.

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