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Hold Tight - (2022) - Netflix

TV Shows

When a young man goes missing soon after his friend dies, life in a tight-knit, affluent Warsaw suburb slowly unravels, exposing secrets and lies.

Diretor: -
Elenco: Magdalena Boczarska, Leszek Lichota, Krzysztof Oleksyn, Agnieszka Grochowska, Grzegorz Damięcki, Agata Łabno, Dominika Krzemińska, Klementyna Karnkowska, Justyna Wasilewska, Jacek Poniedziałek, Julia Wyszyńska, Adam Nawojczyk, Mikołaj Śliwa, Jakub Pruski, Wiktoria Gorodeckaja, Marta Piętka
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: Us

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Disponível desde: 2022-04-22
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Synopsis Today hardly anyone has heard of the screen comic Joe Rock. Heck I know a ton about movies and I only learned about him after seeing this film. It's a shame as while "Hold TIght" is not a hilarious comedy it is extremely high energy and entertaining....mostly because of its seemingly insane stunts.The story finds some rich mine owner demanding that he be sold a local mine...that or else! He's ordered his lacky to blow up the rival mine if needed and so Joe Rock and his girlfriend go at breakneck speed to the mine. Along the way they fly in a plane that falls apart and take all sorts of dangerous falls--all in an attempt to stop the baddies.There really isn't a lot of plot...just crazy good stunts and energy...and sometimes that is good enough.

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