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Forgive Us Our Trespasses - (2022) - Netflix

14m - Dramas

Targeted by Nazis as they hunt down and murder people with disabilities, a boy with a limb difference makes a daring decision while running for his life.

Diretor: Ashley Eakin
Elenco: Knox Gibson, Hanneke Talbot, Justin Mader
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: Us

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Disponível desde: 2022-02-17
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis The young telegraph operator had for many years been a faithful employee of the railroad but one day when word was brought to him that his little daughter was dying he left his post and hastened to her bedside in time to kiss his child before she died. When the grief-stricken father returned to the station a stern-faced man sat at the telegraph desk. It was the superintendent of the road. He listened contemptuously to the telegrapher's explanation then told him curtly that he was discharged saying that "family troubles" did not concern him. The other railroads did not care to employ the disgraced telegrapher and the positions he was able to secure did not pay sufficient money to enable him to properly care for his wife. Grief for her child and privation did their work and the man found himself alone in the world with a bitter and implacable hatred towards the man who had caused him so much suffering. Several years after the operator was discharged a train dispatcher made a blunder which gave the right of way to two trains going in opposite directions on a single-track division. The dispatcher telegraphed to the station where the trains would meet but received no answer. Finally after repeated calls he received a response. The operator was the discharged telegrapher now a homeless wanderer who had entered the station to find the operator in a drunken stupor. The superintendent who had been waiting impatiently pushed the dispatcher aside and answered the call himself. He instructed the man at the other end of the wire to switch one of the trains on to a siding and avert the collision. To his horror the answer came that his operator was drunk that the man sending the message was the discharged telegrapher and that he would do nothing to avert the threatened wreck. The superintendent terror-stricken doubly so because his wife and daughter were on one of the trains pleaded with him but the discharged man would not listen. But the memories of happier days came back to him he seemed to see his little daughter as she said her prayers and remembered the words "Forgive us our trespasses." His anger and resentment faded away. He ran to the nearby switch just in time. And many lives were saved because of the prayer of a little child.

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