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Endless Night - (2022) - Netflix

TV Shows

To escape the monotony of suburban life, a reclusive 17-year-old befriends a group of teenagers who use a drug that allows them to dream while awake.

Diretor: David Perrault
Elenco: Ayumi Roux, Théo Augier, Hanane El Yousfi, Chine Thybaud, Salif Cissé, Léo Legrand, Louïs Rault Watanabe, Stéphanie Crayencour, Gabriel Almaer, Kengo Saito
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países disponíveis em: Us

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Disponível desde: 2022-08-03
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis Michael Rogers (Hywel Bennett) is a chauffeur with little money but big dreams. Foremost of these is building his dream house on the perfect piece of land. Michael gets his chance when his new girlfriend Ellie Thomsen (Hayley Mills) turns out to be an extremely wealthy heiress. The two are wed and are soon living in a modern house on Gipsy's Acre. Their idyllic life shatters around them with a series of bizarre events and threats. Micheal comes under the disapproving eye of Ellie's greedy family and her interfering best friend Greta (Britt Ekland). On top of that local legend says their property is cursed. What danger lurks for the young newlyweds and is it a human plot or something supernatural?

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