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Cat Burglar - (2022) - Netflix

1h16m - Comedies

In this edgy, over-the-top, interactive trivia toon, answer correctly to help Rowdy the Cat evade Peanut the Security Pup to steal some prized paintings.

Diretor: -
Elenco: Alan Lee, James Adomian, Trevor Devall
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: Us

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Disponível desde: 2022-02-22
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis Tom the Chauffeur's weekend isn't going to plan. His only task is to feed the wealthy widow's cat whilst she's away. Brilliant! This is his chance to impress his date Dolores by masquerading as the owner of the huge mansion. But they're interrupted by a burglar who manages to kidnap the cat and blackmail Tom into a Menage-a-Trois! Is that the only penalty he'll pay for his game of bluff? Perhaps not... There's a twist in this tale: someone's watching this whole comic caper unfold... Who's the peeping tom having the last laugh? Is it the moronic security guards? Or is it the wealthy widow getting her own voyeuristic kicks?!

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