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Liar - (2020) - Netflix

TV Shows

A teacher goes on a date with a surgeon and accuses him of assault the next day. When the police don't believe her, she takes things into her own hands.

Diretor: -
Elenco: Joanne Froggatt, Ioan Gruffudd, Zoë Tapper, Richie Campbell, Jamie Flatters, Shelley Conn, Danny Webb, Kieran Bew, Warren Brown
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: Uk

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Disponível desde: 2022-04-25
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Synopsis Laura is a smart and dedicated teacher not long out of a relationship and unsure about getting back on the dating scene. Andrew is a renowned surgeon whose son is a pupil at Laura's school. An initial attraction leads to a date but neither fully realizes the far-reaching consequences that their meeting will have on each other or their families. Truth and consequences go hand in hand in the tense and gripping thriller that examines both sides of a relationship and both sides of the truth. Are there really two sides to every story?

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