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Facing the Enemy - (2007) - Netflix

1h29m - Dramas

At the end of World War II, a German soldier accompanies a Slovak partisan into a snowy forest — where they face a life-changing moral dilemma.

Diretor: Patrik Lančarič
Elenco: Marko Igonda, Alexander Bárta, Boris Farkas, Monika Hilmerová, Štefan Kvietik
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: De

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Disponível desde: 2022-06-20
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis Griff McCleary is a cop now his son shot himself with Griff's gun. A year later both he and his wife are still reeling from it. Griff feeling shut out by his wife Olivia decides to move out. Now he is investigating what appears to be a murder-suicide. He believes that there was no suicide. His investigation leads him to a girl named Nikki. It seems that Nikki is a little fragile and has not had much luck with men. When Griff helps her she asks if she could stay with Griff and after she and Griff sleep together she learns that he is a cop and that he has been following her shattered Nikki shoots herself. Griff is then suspended from the force. But he is unaware that her partner-lover Harlan wanting to get back at Griff is pursuing Olivia who is vulnerable after hearing what happened between Griff and Nikki.

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