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Dialogue Earth - (2020) - Netflix

1h17m - Documentaries

Experience the transportive landscape paintings of artist Ulrike Arnold, made from earth and other natural materials collected from around the world.

Diretor: Hank Levine
Elenco: Ulrike Arnold, Walter Arnold, Margarete Arnold, Dennis Hopper, Marvin Killgore, Gerard van Belle, Jack Mc Niel, Valerie Dalton, Eli Secody, Ana Kasparian
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: Uk

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Disponível desde: 2022-04-23
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis Dialogue Earth is a feature-length documentary which offers us a moving portrait of the German artist Ulrike Arnold who paints with earth and meteorites from remote areas all around the world and now travels through archaic mystical landscapes in the the American Southwest especially the wilderness of southern Utah. Her encounters with old friends and farewells to others who have passed away and the spirituality that Eli Secody of the Navajo Tribe finds in her paintings lead us to contemplate her legacy and why her upbringing has led her to undergo a lifelong journey of seeking. Exhibiting her work at White Pocket in the Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness on the day Trump announces his executive order permitting the dismantlement of national monuments she recognizes that this special landscape is in danger from mining and oil exploration. Visiting the US-Mexican border with artist friend Peter Young she reveals her plans for her next work: To unite for the very first time in one painting earth colors from all the places she has visited over the past 38 years to create a visual expression of the diversity of the continents and their peoples as an articulation of unity equality peace and harmony. This statement for the preservation and protection of our unique planet Earth is the One World Painting scheduled to be exhibited at the United Nation (UN) in New York for Earth Day.

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