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The Waiter - (2018) - Netflix

1h35m - Comedies

After discovering a dead body, a bashful waiter gets tangled up in a twisted love triangle and the mysterious disappearance of his neighbor.

Diretor: Steve Krikris
Elenco: Aris Servetalis, Yannis Stankoglou, Chiara Gensini, Alexandros Mavropoulos, Giannis Stankoglou, Maria Kallimani, Antonis Myriagos
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: Uk

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Disponível desde: 2022-06-04
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis Taciturn and detached Renos a lonely professional waiter is above all a creature of habit. Finding solace in his meticulous routine and taking care of his specialised collection of indoor plants Renos has somehow managed to keep the corrosive effects of the big city life at bay. Then a gruesome finding in the silent late-night Athenian streets disrupts the delicate balance of things in the orderly life of Renos dragging him in a maelstrom of emotions and an unexpected series of events. Now as a missing next-door neighbour an eerily cordial stranger who goes by the name of "The Blond" and an equally cryptic brunette enter the picture Renos must summon up the strength to deviate from his holy routine and re-evaluate his life. But does the waiter have what it takes to sacrifice the safety of habit?

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