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Chhota Bheem and the Broken Amulet - (2013) - Netflix

1h3m - Children & Family Movies

When a stranger tries to steal an amulet from the palace, Bheem learns the sad story behind the ornament and heads to Africa to defeat the real villain.

Diretor: Rajiv Chilaka
Elenco: Vatsal Dubey, Julie Tejwani, Rupa Bhimani, Jigna Bhardwaj, Rajesh Kava, Mousam, Swapnil
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: Us

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Disponível desde: 2021-07-22
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis The kingdom of Africa is captured by Girboro. Unaware of this Bheem and his friends are enjoying Indhumati's birthday party in his village. Right then Durhe comes and snatches an amulet from the Maharaja's hand and tries to escape but in vain. He claims the amulet has been given to him by his father and a satan named Zarakoos had stolen it from their village 1000 years ago. Bheem and friends get set to help Durhe in Africa and get attacked by Girboro's soldiers. Later Bheem and his friends succeed smacking the soldiers down but lose the broken amulet. They move forward and find Durhe's lost brother in Girboro's captive. They smartly call their friendly elephants and escape from there. Bheem and his friends make sharp weapons to fight with Girboro and his soldiers. Girboro succeeds in acquiring the other part of the broken amulet. Bheem and Girboro have a combat. Girboro is killed and Bheem gathers accolades from Dholakpur.

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