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Dr. Who and the Daleks - (1965) - Netflix

1h22m - Action & Adventure

The Doctor and his granddaughters are transported to a distant planet by his new invention the TARDIS, where they encounter the cyborg-alien Daleks.

Diretor: Gordon Flemyng
Elenco: Peter Cushing, Roy Castle, Jennie Linden, Roberta Tovey, Barrie Ingham, Michael Coles, Yvonne Antrobus, Geoffrey Toone
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: 42/100
Países disponíveis em: Nl

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Disponível desde: 2021-07-28
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis When Dr. Who shows his time machine TARDIS to the clumsy Ian who is boyfriend of his granddaughter Barbara he accidentally transport them and Dr. Who's granddaughter Susan to somewhere in space and time. They explore the spot and see a city; Dr. Who fakes a leak in the fluid and they go to the city to seek mercury to refill the component. They are captured by the Daleks and soon they learn that a war between Daleks and Thals has destroyed the planet. Further they are exposed to radiation and only the Thals have the antidote. The Daleks send Susan to find the cure and she meets the Thal Alydon that has the antidote and wants to negotiate with the Daleks to exchange for food. But the cruel Daleks want to destroy the Thals to rule the world.

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