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Find the Lady - (1976) - Netflix

1h25m - Comedies

Two bumbling cops receive three ransom notes for one missing woman in a case that turns out to be much more complicated than it seems.

Diretor: John Trent
Elenco: Lawrence Dane, John Candy, Dick Emery, Mickey Rooney, Peter Cook, Alexandra Bastedo
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: Uk

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Disponível desde: 2021-10-14
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis The daughter of a wealthy businessman has been kidnapped and the chief of police under a lot of pressure to find her as soon as possible assigns officers Kopek and Broom to track her down and bring her back safe and sound. What nobody on the police force realizes is that the kidnapping was meant to be a fake: the girl's father hired a couple of mafia goons to stage a kidnapping so that he could use the ransom money to pay off his gambling debts. Unfortunately for him the hired thugs get the wrong girl. While this should been fairly easy to resolve the daughter has decided to run off with her boyfriend after which she actually does get kidnapped by someone else. To add to the complications a third party is also claiming to be holding her for ransom. Somehow the bumbling pair of officers has to wade through this mess and find the lady.

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