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Psalm 21 - (2009) - Netflix

1h15m - Horror

A priest begins to question his religious beliefs when he journeys to the Norrland forests to learn the truth behind his father’s mysterious death.

Diretor: Fredrik Hiller
Elenco: Jonas Malmsjö, Björn Bengtsson, Niklas Falk, Lena B. Eriksson, Per Ragnar, Julia Dufvenius, Gunvor Pontén, Görel Crona
Classificação Netflix:
Avaliação Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países disponíveis em: Uk

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Disponível desde: 2021-12-17
Títulos semelhantes:
Synopsis In Stockholm the priest Henrik Horneus is beloved by his parish flock and in his sermon he frequently mentions the Psalm 21 that is the favorite of his father and also priest Gabriel that lives in Hammerdal. Henrik has relationship problems with his son Jesper that lives with his mother and Henrik's former wife Suzanne. Jesper is spending his birthday with Henrik. When Jesper is ready to go home with his mother Henrik's girlfriend Karolina receives a phone call from the coroner of Hammerdal telling that his estranged father has been found drowned in the Dead Lake. Henrik decides to drive alone in the middle of the night to his father's hometown to attend the funeral and learn what has happened to him. Out of the blue a person appears on the dark road and Henrik runs over her. Henrik pulls the car over but he does not see anybody on the road. Henrik returns to the car but it does not start so he walks to a small farm to ask for help. He sees lights in the barn and he sees a blond little girl. When he talks to her she transforms into an evil creature. Hentik runs to the house and he meets a weird family that lodges him. Henrik has scary nightmares and daydreams and fells like he is trapped in hell. He learns that his father was murdered and dumped in the lake. Further he has already been buried and sooner Hemrik finds the truth about Gabriel. When Henrik returns to his parish he questions the nonexistence of hell declared by the Swedish Church in 1983.

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