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Alone - (2019) - Netflix

TV Shows

Equipped with limited resources, an isolated group of individuals is subjected to the harsh conditions of the wilderness and must survive — or tap out.

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Países disponíveis em: Us

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Disponível desde: 2022-06-30
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Synopsis Alper is in his mid 30s and a good chef at his own restaurant. He loves luxury and spends his life with one-night stands and paid love. One day, his life changes utterly as he walks into a second-hand shop where he first encounters Ada who is in her late 20s and has a shop where she designs costumes for kids. She leads a modest life and one day while looking for a book, her and Alper's paths cross. Alper is fascinated by Ada's beauty and starts following her with the book she has been looking for. They both experience first signs of love, which they have never experienced before. Although Alper tries to fit Ada into his life, he realizes that this narrows his life down while on the other hand Ada has already fallen in love with him. 'Issiz Adam' portrays the life of those whose lives have been isolated by modern lifestyles. The film is also filled with food, mothers, old songs, and love.

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